We wrap up the medical clinic mission portion of our journey today. For the second straight year, we have had tremendous success achieving our goals. Many early mornings, many late evenings, many tears, many smiles, alot of sweat, alot of muscle power, alot of communication (body language etc..).
All of these components brought us all together to achieve the following results:
4 Medical Clinics: Can Tho, Vinh Long, Tra On and Tam Binh!
Registered Medical Patients treated: Over 1600
Unregistered Medical Patients treated: Over 400
Prosthetics fit: Over 260
Drugs: $13,000 of prescription and OTC medications
Donations: 50 walkers, 25 pairs of crutches, Other (books, food, money etc.....)
Man-Hours: Incalculable!!!!!!
Lives Changed: All of the above and ALL OF OURS!!!!!!!!!!!